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How To Fertilize Your Lawn Step-by-Step

How To Fertilize Your Lawn Step-by-Step

Spring is approaching, and the lawn is starting to thaw from its hibernation in the cold winter months. If you want a luscious, green lawn this summer, it’s time to start preparing. Take the first step and fertilize your lawn. Give your lawn the nutrients it needs to thrive. But how do you fertilize the lawn properly? Overdoing it could have severe consequences for the grass, resulting in burning and bald patches. This step-by-step guide has everything you need about how to fertilize your lawn.

How To Fertilize Your Lawn Step-by-Step

Test the Soil First

The first step is to test your soil. It’s not mandatory, but doing it will improve your results. Most garden centers offer soil testing for a minimal cost.

Grass grows best in a soil pH of between 6.5 to 7.0. If the soil is outside this range, you’ll get limited results with your fertilizer.

After receiving your test results:

    1. Amend the soil to bring it back to the optimal range.
    2. Add lime to soil with a lower pH value than the suggested range.
    3. Add sulfur or sulfur-based fertilizers to alkaline soils to decrease the pH value.

How Often Should You Fertilize the Lawn?

Most homeowners overfertilize the lawn before and during the growing season. For the best results, only fertilize the soil twice per year. Fertilizing four times per year is overdoing it and can burn the grass, turning it brown.

The right time to fertilize your yard depends on the type of grass. Fertilize cool-season grasses in early spring and /or fall. Warm-season grasses should be fertilized when the lawn has fully greened up. This can be done from early summer to early fall.

Cool-season grasses are the most popular in Nebraska, so fertilize accordingly.

Fertilize once in the late spring when the rains arrive. If the lawn could use an extra dose of fertilizer, apply a second around Labor Day.

How to Fertilize the Lawn: Step-by-Step Guide

Step #1 – Water the Lawn

Water the lawn thoroughly for two days before applying your fertilizer.

Step #2 – Choose the Right Spreader to Suit Your Lawn

You have options for drop spreaders and broadcast fertilizer spreaders for your lawn. The broadcast spreader throws the fertilizer over a range while the dropper model drops it under the machine as you push it around the yard. Pay attention to the user manual and adjust the settings to meet your requirements. Your fertilizer product may also have recommendations on the right settings for the amount of fertilizer needed.

Step #3 – Apply High-Quality Fertilizer Around the Lawn Perimeter

Start the fertilizing process by making two passes at right angles around the perimeter of the lawn. This strategy ensures you don’t miss the edges.

Step #4 – Spread in the Center of the Lawn

After completing the perimeter pass, move the spreader back and forth along the lawn to fill in the gaps. Slightly overlap your passes to ensure optimal distribution.

Step #5 – Return Remaining Fertilizer to Storage

After fertilizing the lawn:

    1. Sweep the excess fertilizer off hard surfaces, like the patio and walkways.
    2. Keep the excess fertilizer in a cool, dry space outside your home and away from children and pets.

Fertilizing the Lawn: Dos and Don’ts


  • Test the soil with a local garden center.
  • Amend the soil based on the test results.
  • Measure the size of your lawn to get an idea of how much fertilizer to buy.
  • Purchase the correct type of fertilizer for your type of grass. Ex. Liquid fertilizer, or slow-release fertilizer.
  • Water the lawn a few days before applying the fertilizer.
  • Purchase the right spreader to suit your requirements.
  • Set up the spreader according to the directions in the user manual and on the fertilizer product.
  • Keep the spreader and fertilizer in a cool, dry space after use


  • Retest the soil after fertilizing the lawn.
  • Don’t guess how much fertilizer to use on the lawn.
  • Don’t apply the fertilizer in humid weather or before a rainstorm.
  • Don’t apply fertilizer close to waterways, ponds, and groundwater sources.
  • Only use phosphorous-based fertilizers if the soil is deficient in this mineral.
  • Don’t apply more than twice a year unless your lawn has a severe nutrient deficiency.
  • Don’t use broadcast spreaders on small lawns.

Contact your local lawn care specialist to help you enjoy a green yard this upcoming season.

Additional Reading: Which Fertilizer Should I Use in The Spring?

JPO Lawn & Snow – Lawn Care and Landscaping Omaha

We are a full-service provider of residential and commercial lawn care, landscaping, and snow removal services in Omaha, NE. Our mission is to provide exceptional service that exceeds our clients’ expectations and leaves them with a beautiful, well-maintained property year-round. We take pride in our work and strive to exceed our clients’ expectations every time.

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